Starting a Farmers’ Market
If you live in an area with several farmers, ranchers or market gardeners, farmers’ markets can offer many benefits to your community, including: a place to meet and socialize; an additional food outlet where access is low; fresher produce with a smaller carbon footprint than grocery store options; a small business incubator, and a place to learn about your food and get cooking tips.
It’s not easy to do, but the rewards can outweigh the effort if you have a good plan. Here are some guides that will help you decide if starting a market is right for you.
First, take a look at this guide to get a general overview of the process:
Getting Started with Farmers’ Markets
Then, use these guides to develop your market management practices and start recruiting vendors:
New Mexico Market Manager Resource Guide
Recruiting Vendors for Farmers’ Markets
If you’ve read these materials and need additional assistance, the NMFMA is always happy to answer your questions and provide guidance on locating resources and connecting to community partners. Contact us with your inquiry, and one of our staff will respond within a week.