Enjoy the Dog Days of Summer

By July 1, 2024News

Bringing your dog to the farmers’ market can be a big perk of outdoor markets. You can get your local food shopping done, get some exercise for you and your furry friend, and enjoy some sunshine. Head to your market earlier in the day (before 11 AM is best) to beat the heat and crowds.

Here are some tips about having the best experience at the market with your pet:

Respect market policies! Make sure your market is pet-friendly by checking in at your market’s information booth and keep an eye out for pet-related signage. Many markets don’t allow dogs as there can be health code violations. Especially on private property, market managers can enforce their own pet policies at the market. However, service dogs are the exception due to the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Best behavior: Please leash your dog, no matter how well-behaved they are. You need to keep control of your dog in case they come across another dog, who is not as friendly or trained, to protect other customers, and to keep your dog away from the food at vendors’ booths. Vendors want to protect their products from being destroyed or eaten. Bring a friend or family member for an extra set of hands to help with your pet and take turns approaching the booths.

Be prepared for messes and other emergencies: Bring a kit for your dog with water and a bowl, paper towels, and waste bags to clean up after your pet. This way you are taking the best care of your pet, and being courteous to market managers, vendors, and other shoppers.

Protect pets from heat: If the sidewalk and asphalt is too hot for your bare feet (or to press your hand on the surface comfortably) for seven seconds, it’s the same for your pup’s paws! Leave them home on super-hot days to avoid hurt paws, dehydration, and other heat-related issues. You can buy dog shoes to protect their paws, or let them ride in style in a stroller or wagon if they are trained for that. Never leave pets in the car while you shop!

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